Am I Separated?
In Maryland, D.C. and Virginia, being separated from one’s spouse starts the clock running to be able to obtain a no-fault divorce. But the kind of “separation” required in order to establish [...]
In Maryland, D.C. and Virginia, being separated from one’s spouse starts the clock running to be able to obtain a no-fault divorce. But the kind of “separation” required in order to establish [...]
Electronic surveillance is pervasive these days. Unlike the NSA, however, many snoopers aren't targeting the German Chancellor — they're targeting their current or former spouses in the context of their divorce. The [...]
Every divorce has its own specific set of issues and, therefore, deserves an individually tailored resolution. And yet, when divorcing couples first meet with their divorce lawyers, a great number of them [...]
Divorce is a difficult time for anyone and can be especially challenging for families with children. As a family law practitioner, I know that divorce does not have to destroy families or [...]
One of the most important and expensive investments you’ll make for your child is a college education. When parents divorce before their children graduate from high school, the assets they initially intended [...]
The experts tell us that divorce ranks at the top of the list for stressful and even catastrophic life experiences. But even as you are trying to be clear about whether this [...]
February 1, 2012 — Losing weight, eating more healthfully and exercising regularly are typical resolutions people make in January. Family law attorneys Jonathan Dana, Mary Pence and Sarah Zimmerman discuss the spike [...]