
Divorce Doesn’t Have to Destroy

"Although I have been through very difficult moments in the past months, the Collaborative process has empowered me and has also had the positive effect of helping my husband and me to communicate. As a result, I feel that today, after signing our agreement, we have accomplished our main goal – for he and I to respect each other, act fairly, and preserve our friendship, which will be critical for us to parent our daughter together in the coming years."

                                                                                                                                 – Collaborative Client

Many couples today choose a more positive path for separation and divorce. The Collaborative Divorce approach leads to more respectful settlements, placing children’s best interests first, preserving extended-family ties and fostering amicable co-parenting. Tucker family law attorneys are highly skilled in this approach, building strong working relationships with other collaborative attorneys and other professionals.

More and more couples today feel that ending a marriage need not involve causing damage to each other or their children. These couples are choosing the Collaborative process to reach a respectful settlement, without going to court or perpetuating the animosity that often characterizes divorce.

Tucker believes that Collaborative Law (also known as Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Practice) offers spouses and their children a constructive way of moving forward following separation and divorce. Our family lawyers are highly skilled in the Collaborative model and have developed strong working relationships with the attorneys and other professionals who also offer the Collaborative divorce process to their clients. The combination of commitment and skill enables us to help families move forward in a positive way.

Is Collaborative Divorce Right for Me?

Collaborative divorce offers a clear advantage to couples who are focused on the future and place a high value on relationships. It is an ideal choice for spouses who:

  • Place their children’s best interests first
  • Want to preserve extended family ties
  • Want to maintain or even improve co-parenting with the other spouse
  • Want to look back on their divorce and feel that they conducted themselves with integrity, fairness, and respect

Resources to Meet Individual Needs

If you choose the Collaborative approach, you can select from six attorneys trained in the Collaborative process within our firm. We offer in-depth experience and a range of hourly rates to meet your unique needs.

All of the Collaborative attorneys at Tucker have obtained extensive training in Collaborative Practice far beyond the basics, and continually seek new tools and educational opportunities to increase our effectiveness. In addition, we are raising the standard of Collaborative Practice through our leadership and educational work within the community of Collaborative professionals in the D.C. metropolitan area.

Collaborating on Your Vision

Divorce is a transition, not a destination. We can help you see beyond divorce and put a plan in place to achieve that vision. For many, Collaborative divorce is the most constructive and cost-effective way of reaching the future they have in mind.

Work With an Experienced DC, Maryland or Virginia Collaborative Divorce Attorney

At Tucker Family Law, half of our attorneys are trained in and handle this supportive, creative settlement process. To learn more about the collaborative law process for separation, divorce, child custody or prenup matters, schedule a consultation with our attorneys: