Practice Area

January 25, 2021

Post Divorce Disputes

2024-01-11T16:34:15-05:00By |

Including changes in income, custody needs and child health. The purpose of a divorce agreement is to attain closure and finality. However, a change of circumstances — such as negative/positive income, evolving [...]

January 25, 2021

Asset & Property Division Attorneys

2024-07-31T14:39:34-04:00By |

Advocating for fair division without being divisive One of the most important divorce issues, the division of marital assets is a typically contentious process. Whether assets are modest or significant, Tucker family [...]

December 03, 2020

Child Support and Alimony

2024-06-04T10:30:54-04:00By |

Through sensible support agreements with long-term viability. Divorce is an upsetting time for both parents and children as they face an uncertain future. Tucker family law attorneys are experienced at protecting the [...]

December 03, 2020

DC, MD and VA Divorce Attorneys

2024-07-31T12:49:34-04:00By |

Whether you’re an active, passive or collaborative party, the multiple pressures of divorce are difficult and often painful. At Tucker Family Law, we help you navigate both the legal and emotional facets [...]

December 03, 2020


2024-08-24T09:54:00-04:00By |

What Clients Say "I think the combination of [Jonathan Dana’s] confidence based on many years of experience and his professional style helped to change what was initially a very contentious situation [...]

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